Servings: 2 Gesamtzeit: 40 mins

Oven baked vegetables with fresh herbs

If you don't have much time for elaborate dishes, but still want to eat well and nutritiously - then we have the solution! We present: Oven baked vegetables with fresh herbs and Field Good Vegan Tenders, the plant-based cuts of meat we all love so much! This recipe only requires 5 steps to prepare and once everything is chopped, the oven does the rest.
Goodbye cooking stress!

Gesamtzeit 40 Minutes Servings: 2 Servings



  1. First wash the vegetables thoroughly. Cut the potatoes into wedges, divide the broccoli into florets and quarter the peppers and cut into pieces about 5 cm in size.

  2. Cook the potatoes in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, place the remaining vegetables (broccoli, peppers) in a bowl and marinate with salt, pepper, chopped herbs, a little olive oil and crushed garlic. After the cooking time, add the potatoes so that the flavours can blend and the vegetables can infuse properly.

  3. Now spread the marinated vegetables on a baking tray lined with baking paper and then place in the preheated oven. Leave to cook for approx. 20 minutes until the vegetables are firm to the bite.

  4. In the meantime, prepare the Field Good Vegan Tenders according to the pack instructions.

  5. As soon as the vegetables come out of the oven, spread them on a plate and top with the fresh herbs and Field Good Vegan Tenders.

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Lexikon der pflanzlichen Zutaten:

Field Good Vegan Tenders
Crispy, juicy and plant-based! They are the ideal meat alternative and simply sooo tasty! They contain plant-based protein and fibre, but no colourings or preservatives.
Contains vitamin K, vitamin A, iron and antioxidants. Can have an anti-inflammatory effect and aid digestion.
This green vegetable is rich in important nutrients such as vitamin C, fibre and antioxidants. It gives the bowl a crunchy flavour and can boost the immune system.
Contains lots of vitamin C, vitamin B6, fibre and potassium. They can support energy production, the heart and the regulation of blood pressure.
Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Can strengthen the immune system and aid digestion.
Also rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, fibre and antioxidants. They are said to promote eye health, the immune system and skin health.
Contain a lot of vitamin C, vitamin B6, fibre and potassium. They can support energy production, the heart and the regulation of blood pressure.

Now get your loved ones together and enjoy these fantastic oven vegetables with fresh herbs and Vegan Field Good Tenders. Enjoy your meal and have fun feasting!

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