Servings: 4 Gesamtzeit: 25 mins

Mexican Bowl

Hey, plant lovers! We've got a fantastic recipe here that will whisk you away to beautiful Mexico and spoil you with delicious vegan Field Good Vegan Tenders. Not only is this bowl super tasty and quick to make, but it's also perfect for getting the whole family to enjoy the flavours.

Arriba! Grab your bowls and let's get started!

Gesamtzeit 25 Minutes Servings: 4 Servings


Für das Dressing


  1. Wash and deseed the peppers and cut into strips approx. 3 cm thick. Roast in a preheated oven at 200 degrees top and bottom heat for approx. 20 minutes with a little olive oil.

  2. Halve and pit the avocados and remove the flesh from the skin with a spoon. Then cut into slice

  3. Drain the sweetcorn and kidney beans in a sieve and rinse with water. Wash and slice the spring onions.

  4. Prepare the vegan Field Good Vegan Tenders according to the pack instructions.

  5. For the dressing, mix all the ingredients together.

  6. Finally, divide all the ingredients into bowls/plates and serve. Drizzle with the dressing and lime juice and season with a little salt and pepper to taste.

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Lexikon der pflanzlichen Zutaten:

Field Good Vegan Tenders
Crispy, juicy and plant-based! They are the ideal meat alternative and simply sooo tasty! They contain plant-based protein and fibre, but no colourings or preservatives.
This creamy fruit is not only delicious, but also rich in essential fats and fibre. It gives the bowl a wonderful creaminess and provides important nutrients.
The fresh lime juice and zest add a refreshing acidity to the bowl and give it a typical Mexican flavour.
Sweetcorn and kidney beans
These two ingredients are a great source of fibre and vegetable protein. They keep you full and give the bowl a delicious tex-mex flavour.

Enjoy this delicious Mexican bowl with Field Good Vegan Tenders - not only is it tasty and full of nutrients, it's also quick and easy to make. Give it a try and savour it!